Welcome on the MAV AutoPilot 2007 team website!
- September 17, 2007: MAV AutoPilot has won in the category "Best Research Project, Undergraduate Category" at the 2007 Student Aerospace Forum (SAF) held last September 14 and 15! The group was awarded a certificate with a $250 bursary.
- September 10, 2007: Two members of the MAV AutoPilot team will be present at the Student Aerospace Forum (SAF) on september 14 and 15 at McGill University! See you there!
- August 27, 2007: The MAV AutoPilot team is back at work at the Université de Sherbrooke and is ready for the last semester of hard work!
- May 8, 2007: Our first semester of work is now done: we did a presentation to our professors at the end of April (photos available) and they were very pleased by the work done so far. While most of the team members are going to take the summer off, the project is not going to sleep during 4 months! We are planning to do many flight tests during the summer while the weather is great to fly. Also, we are going to do a lot of documentation and planning to ensure that our last semester will be a very productive one. In other news, we would like to congratulate VAMUdeS for their amazing performance (1st place) at the UVS Canada competition last week-end!
- April 25, 2007: VAMUdeS will be present at the UVS Canada competition (held in Goose Bay, NF) on next May 4-5-6, representing the Université de Sherbrooke. They will be displaying our poster in order to gain exposure for the MAV AutoPilot project within the MAV community. Thanks to them, and we wish you luck!
- April 19, 2007: Assembly of the various PCBs is done! Validation tests are currently in progress. You can see the result in the photos section!
- April 9, 2007: Assembly of the AutonomUS (Rev. B) and the team's second test aircraft is going well! You can see pictures in the photos section!
- March 19, 2007: Thanks to Microchip for the material support! The MAV2007 team is proud to develop our project using your technology!
- March 9, 2007: Thanks to all our new partners: CAE, CMC electronics and Sunstone Circuits!
- February 22, 2007: Would you be interested in sponsoring our project? Do not hesitate to review our 2007 partnership plan!
- February 7, 2007: Some members of the MAV2007 team will be present at the "journée Portes Ouvertes" of the Université de Sherbrooke, on February 10, 2007. See you there!
- January 31, 2007: This website (http://mav2007.hexpresso.org/) is now online.
- January 8, 2007: The MAV2007 team is now complete and ready to work!